
The diagnostic phase involves analysing the performance, business processes and key players within the organisation. Different kinds of process waste are identified, as well as the root causes of bottlenecks. The findings are then clearly visualised — the first step towards an inspiring action plan.

Roadmap development

In the second phase we develop a tailor-made roadmap for your company: a phased plan towards the realisation of a more effective and sustainable ‘future state’.


The third phase is the pilot phase. Key business processes are improved, in turn leading to greater operational efficiency. Bottlenecks are addressed by means of a structured approach to problem-solving. Processes and workspaces are standardised, and performance(-driven behaviour) is managed. Employees are coached to become engaged continuous improvement leaders.

Roll out and sustain

During the roll out and sustain phase, ownership of the continuous improvement programme is transferred to the workforce. The initial success of the pilot phase is used as a basis upon which to roll out the programme across the entire organisation. Thanks to our comprehensive methodology and structured toolbox, a culture of continuous improvement is allowed to flourish autonomously within your organisation.

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